Thursday, 2 July 2015


I know it's been ages (I think I've been avoiding here as it's a constant reminder of all those ends I need to weave in), but I just had to pop in to share #MandalasForMarinke

Marinke (Wink) of A Creative Being tragically took her own life last week, after suffering from depression for many years. I was a huge fan of her work, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her all week.

I read about a crochet mandala project being run in her memory by Crochet Concupiscence, and decided that this is something that I really want to take part in.

I know I don't have many (any?) followers, but just in case anyone sees this, I'm spreading the message to raise awareness of the horrific impact that depression can have on individuals and their families.

1 comment:

  1. Always so sad to hear of someone suffering in this way. Will forward these onto friends who are into their crafts.
